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Unity software

Animation Baker Pro provides packet conversion of humanoid animation clips into legacy or generic clips.
I.e. you can retarget any humanoid animation onto any humanoid character and produce new animation clip native to character's skeleton.
Pro version has immediate conversion function instead of realtime recording in free version of
Animation Baker. Speed of conversion depends on power of your hardware so it is a lot faster and greatly saves the time. Also Pro version allows to create prefabs with characters and automatically adds created animation clips to it.

Watch video Animation Baker vs Animation Baker Pro comparison.

Animation Baker

Animation Baker helps you to convert animations retargeted by Mecanim into Unity legacy animations. I.e. you can retarget any animations from some humanoid characters onto your character through Mecanim as usual and bake resultant animation into Unity *.anim file in order to use it with legacy animation system.
Supports Unity 5.

Use Animation Baker Pro for more efficiency.

Check video tutorial.

Scene Motion Capture

Scene Motion Capture is additional tool for Animation Baker that allows you to capture any changes of transform of any objects in your scene and save it as Unity animation file. You can capture procedural or physical motion of any object including characters with any Mecanim transitions and IK influence, ragdolls etc.
Supports Unity 5.

Main features:
- capture for physical objects
- capture for objects that procedurally moves or rotates
- capture for characters animated in any way (Mecanim, Locomotion system, Final IK etc)
- controlling of motion capture in runtime (adding new objects and recording events during capture)

Video tutorial.

Navigation And Pathfinding System

Navigation And Pathfinding System allows you to quickly make navigation at your level. With NAPS you get excellent performance when large number of AI exemplars builds a routes at same time. Using functions of path-finding library you can build any path-following algorithm from simple point-to-point following to a complex movement system based on the visibility of certain areas, taking into account optimal path, cutting corners, resumption of route in case when loss a visibility of point, etc. All navigation data stored in files that you can dynamically load / unload for use in different parts of the map or different paths for desired AI type.

Main features:
-Ease of use
-Optimized path-finding and high productivity
-Dynamic loading/unloading of navigation files in a wink
-AI examples and codebase for making AI
-Quickly describe huge areas for the movement

NAPS page->

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